How Much Should You Niche Down on Medium?
I’m about to find out
I’ve been going back and forth on this decision for the past month.
I‘ve been feeling a great urge to branch out and write about more than just atomic content.
But I also know this isn’t a decision to make lightly. So I’ve been carefully considering all of my options.
Create multiple Medium accounts, one for each niche.
Forget the added expense. I spent years managing multiple social media brands simultaneously. I’m not keen to do that again.
Use a platform other than Medium for the other topics.
I could move to Substack. At least it has a built in community unlike a self hosted WordPress blog.
But I love writing on Medium and would like to continue to do so.
Branch out on the topics I write about here.
It’s the most practical solution. At the same time, I don’t want to alienate my current readers.
That’s when I had the idea to niche around an idea rather than a topic.
My new niche centers around my belief that knowledge and ideas are the currency of the digital…